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The Profession of Optometry & Dispensing Opticianry

Table of Contents

Last Updated on: 29th Aug, 2010.

The Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians Registration Board of Nigeria (ODORBN) is the body statutorily empowered by an Act of Parliament (Cap 09 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004, formerly known as Decree No. 34 of December 1989) to regulate the practice of the professions of Optometry and Dispensing Opticianry in Nigeria. It is therefore the primary duty of the Board to determine the quality of training (in both professions) to guarantee sufficient knowledge and skill for practice. The Board must also ensure that practitioners conduct themselves in a way and manner that would command respect and confidence from members of the public.
The Board has therefore considered it necessary to spell out rules and regulations to ensure good conduct amongst practitioners in carrying out professional duties to their patients. Every Optometrist and Dispensing Optician in Nigeria should have full knowledge of the contents of this document to guide them in their daily professional responsibilities as it is commonly said that “ignorance of the law is no excuse”.
The Board believes that this code of conduct will enhance the image of both professions, increase public confidence in the practitioners, and offer adequate protection for those who practice within the purview of the enabling law. It is also expected that the document will promote collateral relationships amongst practitioners as a unifying force against quacks. The code of conduct will be reviewed periodically as the prevailing circumstances may

On completion of training in any of the approved Universities (usually six (06) years of UME/UTME students and five (05) years of ‘Direct Entry’ students), the Optometrist will be issued with a provisional license after swearing into an oath of professional practice administered by the Registrar of the Board during an induction ceremony. Thereafter he/she proceeds on a mandatory twelve (12) calendar month internship in a Board accredited Optometry clinic (public or private).

On successful completion of the internship, the Optometrist proceeds on a one (01) year National Youth Service Corp (NYSC) program, where applicable.


These are explicitly stated in part vi, section 29 of the Act viz:

  1. Eye examinations to determine refractive errors and other departures from the optimally healthy and visually efficient eye.
  2. Correction of refractive errors using spectacles, contact lenses, low-vision aids other devices.
  3. Correction of errors of binocularity by means of vision training (orthoptics).
  4. Diagnosis and management of minor ocular infections which do not pose a threat to the integrity of the ocular or visual system.
  5. Ocular first aid.



Next to Life, God’s most precious gift is sight, and to this great gift,

I, Dr. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. freely and solemnly pledge that:

I WILL dedicate my life to the service of humanity.

I WILL practice the profession of Optometry with conscience and dignity, valuing the trust patients place in me.

I WILL uphold the highest standards of professionalism, honesty, and integrity in all aspects of my Optometric practice.

I WILL approach each patient with empathy and compassion, recognizing the uniqueness of every individual and their circumstances.

I WILL respect the confidentiality of patient information and will use my Optometric knowledge for the benefit of human health.

I WILL advocate for the well-being of my patients, preventing blindness and improving public health.

I WILL not be ashamed to say “I know not” nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient’s recovery.

I WILL give utmost respect and gratitude to my teachers, mentors, and colleagues who have guided me in the art and science of Optometry, and will gladly share such knowledge.

I WILL strive continuously to broaden my knowledge and skills, seeking ways to enhance my professional competence and contribute to better health outcomes.

I sincerely and faithfully swear to uphold the law (Decree 34 of 1989, now CAP 09 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004) of the practice of Optometry as enshrined in the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

I hereby commit myself to be steadfast in the performance of this solemn oath and obligation.

So, help me, God.




On completion of training in any of the approved instructions (usually, 2-3 years duration leading to the award of a board–certified diploma in dispensing optics (DDO) or a National Diploma (ND) in dispensing opticians) the Dispensing Optician will be issued with a provisional license after swearing an oath of practice administered by the Registrar of the Board during an orientation/oath-taking ceremony thereafter, he/she proceeds on a mandatory twelve (12) calendar months of Supervised Ophthalmic Laboratory Experience in a Board accredited ophthalmic laboratory (public or private).



These are explicitly stated in part vi. Section 29 of the act, viz:

  1. Sale of optical wares (e.g. lenses, frames, equipment, etc).
  2. Fitting of ophthalmic lenses on frames.
  3. Production of ophthalmic lenses (surfacing).
  4. Production of spectacle frames.
  5. Production of ocular prostheses.



I —————————————————— freely and solemnly pledge that:

I will practice the profession of Dispensing Opticianry faithfully, conscientiously, and to the fullest scope of my competence.

I will uphold and honourably promote by example the highest standards and ideals of my chosen profession; and the honour of the certificate (DDO or ND) which has been granted me.

I will strive continuously to broaden my knowledge and skills to enhance the practice of my profession for the benefit of society; and serve my community and mankind professionally.

I will share information cordially and unselfishly with my fellow Dispensing Opticians and other eye care practitioners.

I hereby commit myself to be steadfast in the discharge of this solemn oath.

So help me God.




Foreign-trained practitioners are expected to undergo professional board assessment (i.e. proficiency test) of their qualification(s) before they can be registered with the Board under part 11, section 10(01) of (Decree 34 of 1989, now CAP 09 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004), special induction ceremony may be conducted by the Registrar of the Board where appropriate.

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